My friend Scott Hanselman is on a mission to raise $50,000 and then some for the American Diabetes Association to help fund the search for a cure.

Team Hanselman Fight
Diabetes If you don’t know Scott, you should definitely subscribe to his blog.

His blog is has a wealth of information on software development, diabetes, .NET, and other topics.

He’s given much to the community over the years through his blog, podcast, Open Source projects, etc….

Interesting little tidbit: When I first started to take blogging I set a goal for myself. Setting a goal was my way of taking blogging more seriously. I surveyed the blog landscape and said to myself, “Hmmm, this Hanselman dude has a pretty popular blog. I want my blog to be as well known as that guy someday.”, not realizing at the time just how big a target I chose. His blog was an inspiration for mine, and many others I’m sure.

I’m far from reaching that goal, but along the way I have become friends with Scott (as well as a friendly rival with our competing open source projects, though we cross-contribute more than we compete). This past Mix07 I finally met the guy in person and he’s a laugh a minute.

Give now and have your contribution matched 7 times! Scott and his coworker Brian Hewitt have started a 48 hour blog matching challenge. From Wednesday May 9th at Noon PST through Friday, May 11 at Noon PST, contributions will be matched by seven bloggers, myself included.

Here’s the donation page.